Sunday, May 4, 2008

Honest and Honor

Honest and Honor
Shakespeare’s usage of honest and honor means different things. Honest meant to be held in respect, such as to be respectable. In addition to this meaning, honest would also connect with the chastity of a female’s virginity. Such as when Othello asks Desdemona if she is being honest, not only with her response but whether she remains chaste. Honor would be military or telling the truth. Women honor consist of mind, body, and mouth. Silent women were attractive because it was a sign of chastity. Open or loud women were thought to also be open with their virginity. However, in the plays Shakespeare demands that women speak out as Desdemona, Emilia, and Isabella exudes. This idea of resisting the cultural idea of submissive women is recurring pattern in the plays.

Donald Ung

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