Monday, May 5, 2008

Measure for Measure:Political Body and Natural Body

Political Body and Natural Body:

by Matthew Nunez

In Measure for Measure, there are two types of categories that the body of the Duke is split into. First is the concept of a “Body Politic”; this is a notion that says that the ruler/king/Duke is the embodiment of the nation (in this case Vienna). Also that this ruler’s legacy will live on even after he dies (an example of this would be the phrase “Long live the King”). Second, there is the “Natural Body” which is the physical body of the ruler and all the human desires that come along with it (love, lust, hunger, etc.).
These two separate “Bodies” come in conflict with each other because the political body and the Duke desires cannot be united without conflicting with one another. The “Body Politic” is what ends up being the solution that the Duke utilizes. This aspect of rule is what establishes a functioning society in Vienna.

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